Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Nerd Test

Bored out of my mind I took a nerd test. According to the test I am actually cool. As if some online test determines a persons nerdiness...I took the test so that must mean there is some nerdiness somewhere. Oh well. I can hang with cool, I have always been one of those people that can hang out with just about anyone, barring the super arrogant pompous people...they are the ones I would like to remove from the face of the earth.


RT said...

And what's wrong with being a nerd?





RT said...

PS: Why are you being a teaze? You added me to your Yahoo IM, but never replied back...

Mike Leslie said...

hard to reply when my yahoo IM is closed most of the time. I ahve yet to recieve any sort of IM message from you. In the past, if I hadnt had it opened it will tell me who has tried to IM me since I had the program turned off. Nothing wrong with being a nerd despite what my nerd rating says.

Peterpans Gurl said...

You're so not a nerd mike!!! lol didn't know such things existed.


Peterpans Gurl said...

mike check out my site..
re: saints

Fred said...

I love being a nerd. I'm the first to admit it.