Monday, May 01, 2006

New Term, New Challenges

THis term I am taking 12 credits. One of the classes has a 30 hour practicum attached to it as well as three papers and reading, one is a Lit. class (ten different books to read), another is a survey class that has some reading and interviews/papers to write and then my one credit geology field trip that happens in two weeks. Its kinda insane. I am currently behind in all of my class readings, its hard to stay awake for some of it, not interesting enough and my eyes get tired. Since I am doing 12 credits this term that means come summer I have to do eight credits and then August 19th is graduation day. I am SOOOOOO looking forward to that...of course i will be back in school again a little over a month later trying to finish up my pre reqs for grad school. It never ends.
My practicum...I am in a fourth/fifth grade classroom assiting the teacher and she has even said that she would let me teacha class so I can get the most out of the experience. I am not even doing my student teacher internship yet, I am just supposed to be tutoring. I told her I would like to get more acclimated to the kids before making a decision. She wasn't forcing me on the issue, its not required anyways. That sort of thing is grad school, but doing a little now may not be too bad. We shall see.
I got a new toy/songwriting/practicing device. Its called a Jam Man. I am able to record musical phrases and then it will loop those phrases and I can over-dub to my hearts content. I have over 20 minutes of space on the memory card. It is helping me in working out harmony parts and figuring out the different ideas I have for songs. I ams till learnig what it can do...its loads of fun.