Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Hope everyone (the few that read my blog) had a good and safe new years celebration. My new year festivities were a bit on the lacking side, I spent them with my brother, which was cool but I picked a bad movie, NEVER EVER EVER! get the White Dragon. I was in the mood for some martial arts action and while this one has it it was beyond ridiculous in its plot, storyline, and acting...like I was expecting shakespeare or something (tongue in cheek). I almost want to destroy the dvd but then i would get charged by Hollywood video for the damage.
I now have some of my music posted up at myspace.com. If you would like to check it out go to www.myspace.com/mikeleslieproject. THere are four different tunes there some older than others. I hope to have some newer ones later this year. Let me know what you think. There is some background to the songs under the blog postings on the page.


Fred said...

I'll check it out. I'm on Myspace alot since my three kids have their profile up there. I like to make sure nothing goofy is being posted.

Mike Leslie said...

No kidding. You never know what sort of freaks are on there. Let me know what you think.

RT said...

You're messing with me, aren't you Mike?

Why can't I get ABBA to play????

Mike Leslie said...

I live to mess with you RT. *evil grin* all the tunes should play, myspace has glitches now and then and sometimes a tune can take forever to load up. Let me know what you think of the tunes.