Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Mid Terms are almost done...

I lived through it but I know I should have studied more. My biology mid term didn't go so well, I got a 26 out of 40. I gotta buckle down and study more. I did study three out of the 6 chapters but I got bit HARD by the lazy bug thinking my good judgement would help me in the multiple choice test. Not to good judgement i guess...on all counts in this situation. I had my math midterm today and I think it went well but we ahd a quiz a couple weeks ago that I thought went well and I got a D on it because I didnt check my work; I had made some stupid errors. This test was easier though. My final midterm is for my art class. I have to draw a picture in pencil on a 12X18 pice of paper, not allowed to use color but can use shading and it is going to be put in an art show. I am still not so sure what to draw yet, I may get all my guitars out and arrange them in some form to draw them. So I still ahve my work cut out for me this quarter; can't slack off to much if I want to have decent grades.

1 comment:

Fred said...

At least you know what you have to do. My sense is that you'll do fine.

Have a great week.