Saturday, November 22, 2008

2 months later

Work has been crazy of my fellow supervisors had a heart attack and is now going to be out fro a month...that means I and another supervisor are having to cover his buildings. So now some of the employees are attempting to put one over on the two of us, slacking off here and there, whining about needing help, trying to play one of us against the other, and a litany of other is DRAINING to say the least. On top of that I had a review with the interim Project manager and the new Project manager (my boss) didn't really seem like any kind of review to me. I filled out my own thoughts on how I was doing and what I would like to accomplish within the scope of the job and my boss only said, "that's good" and made some remarks about initially being concerned about my attitude when she took over the interim position but she had seen marked improvement and she can't promise a raise. Needless to say, I didn't get a raise. I have been at this job for 6 months + now and I have not received any kind of promotion. I have been given a number of "pats on the back" for good things I have done but those last about as long as a one night stand when it comes to any sort of fulfillment in the me the freakin money, I got student loans to pay off.

In one month I got my contract turned around, where we were once receiving multiple complaints weekly to where we receive one/two a month if that. Where there was once animosity between the company I work for and the contract contact there is now a rapport. My contract looks better than it ever has since PHC took over the janitorial contract for the City of Beaverton and this doesn't garner any sort of a raise? WTF!? I did this in less than two months (thank GOD). All by being honest with my client and communicating with him, something no one at the company had successfully been doing in the time they had the contract. This has left a very bitter taste in my mouth; I have been working my ass off and now I get no return for my efforts. In addition to the work I do for my contract I am also assisting my fellow supervisors in any computer work they have to do because of their lack of abilities (one of them is blind and the other doesn't have the knowledge needed to be effective timewise, I even assist the other supervisor from time to time because he wears himself out so much his attention to detail goes in the crapper).

THe Project Manager that did my review said something about buying into PHC, or living it (something I am not willing to do for any job, there is no amount of money one can give me to sell my soul to their company) if I wanted to move up. I told her when I am at work I give my 110% (There is no way in hell she can call me on that either, my track record speaks for itself).

So this present predicament has me looking back at grad school in education, only this time I want to go to a different school than PSU, get a change of pace and maybe a program that has been updated in the last five years. I am thinking of doing special education, that puts me working in small groups and working with those children left behind by no child left behind like I wanted to initially when I was seeking to work in Elementary Education. I am not overly fond of adding to the already HUGE student loan debt I have accrued already...this job I currently have is certainly not going to give me the salary needed to cover my living expenses and student loans. Something needs to give, I will tell you that much.


Fred said...

It sounds crazy, indeed.

If you like your job and company, then don't worry about the short-term issues of a lousy boss. They usually burn out and disappear.

Any chance of going to grad school while you work? It may be the best of both worlds.

Mike Leslie said...

I haven't found the program yet that would work...the one I was in mandated that you couldn't work at all while in the program.

Fred said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mike. Have a great year.