Saturday, November 19, 2005

life goes on...sometimes without me

Well, I sorta put a gun to my head when it came to studying for my latest biology test...I got a B. That will certainly help my grade. Still have a few more weeks to go. I have to catch up in my Human development class. I am of half a mind to drop it cause I am so behind. All the quizzes, essays, and final are on the internet so it made it way to easy to be lazy. I didn't keep up with the reading so its bitin me in the butt. We are able to take the quizzes as many times as we want until the quarter is over but the esays are a one time shot and I am sure the final is such as well. So my weekends for the next few weeks are gonna be full of biology and human development studying in the hopes that i can pull my fat ass out of the fire. I will be so glad when graduation comes this june...of course i need to keep on top of my classes or else I wont be family would kick my ass.
I just took on another day at work, one of the other guitar instructors is full on Tuesdays and Tuesday seems to be a popular day and I havent been getting to many signups on thursdays and saturdays so I am hoping that my tuesday will be filled fast. I need money like yesterday. We have our last instrument petting zoo tomorrow, though I guess its gonna become a regular once a month thing for a while. Hopefully we will have a good number of people show up, I hate giving my time without any sort of benefit (ie new students). Maybe the Tuesday thing will help out. i do have a new student starting tomorrow but at the same time I had one student quit, her finances aren't where she can take lessons as often as she should. She was doing both vocal and guitar lessons. Hopefully she will start back up when her finances are better.

1 comment:

Fred said...

We hope you pull your fat ass out of the fire, too. Good luck with all the course work. You'll most likely pull it off.