Saturday, November 12, 2005

Petting Zoo and more tests to come

Yippee! I have yet another midterm in Biology and math this next week and then finals are in the first week of December. I am so looking forward to winter break, we have almost a month off. I need to meet with my advisor and apply for graduation, get the ball rolling on that. For the last few weeks we ahve been ahving a muscial instrument petting zoo at work. The idea is that people can come in, meet the instructors, check out/play various instruments (brass, woodwinds, drums/percussion, acoustic/electric guitar, bass, and piano), and also see the facility in hope that we would get more students. Our first week we had only two families show up, one which took some flyers to her elementary school that she taught at. the second one but oen woman that is doing some promotion for us with the Parks and Rec dept. This week we had two different families show up, one kid wants electric guitar lessons and his parents want him to learn to read music/learn music theory as well. I am hoping to get him as my student but if they decide to put him in the theory class then the other guitar instructor may get him because the days I teach (thursday and Saturday) dont have music theory being taught on those days. We shall see what happens. We have one more petting zoo before the thanksgiving holiday, I hope more people show up for this one and then get more students from it as well. Then I guess we will start having the petting zoos once a month. This past wednesday we were on AM Northwest. We almost didnt get any mention because we were unable to get 10 people to show up that were affiliated with our group. They hooked us up anyways. It would be nice if they would do an interview segment with us as well, thats something we are looking into. Now to do a little work on a guitar and do some studying....


Fred said...

Petting zoo. What a creative concept. Do they feed you too? :)

Mike Leslie said...

LOL No, we have to provide our own food though coffee, candy and cookies are there for all to consume. Definately get a coffee fix.