Thursday, September 15, 2005


I have a number of guitar students that range from the ages 8 to 30. Today I was trying to show the 8 year old some new things, she seemed like she was wanting something a bit different after having spent the last several months working on the same stuff over and over (she is playing it better but it still needs work). A little background...she is left handed trying to learn to play right handed (nothing that I forced on her, she started to learn that way with another teacher and she has made enough progress this way that she has a hard time playing left handed). She is still working on getting her hands to change chords in time with a metronome as well as picking cleanly when going through the chromatic today sine she wanted some other stuff I gave her a whole thing on the major scale with its modes and told her to just work on the first one (Ionian mode/otherwise known as the major scale). SHe was confusing the chromatic with the major scale so now we will be going down the road of explaining the scale in about 500 different ways so she can comprehend it. SHe is a bright kid and I believe that if she sticks with the guitar and practices enough being ambidexterous (spell) will improve other areas of her life such as athletics. I have to explain things many times but its worth it cause she does have the desire to learn, I am not just baby sitting someone's kid.


Fred said...

It's a good age to teach kids, they're more receptive to learning. Good luck with her; sounds like she's gonna be fine.

Mike Leslie said...

Thanks Fred. I love working with people that want to learn, it gives much more job satisfaction. I had a ten year old boy the other day come in for his first lesson (as far as I am concerned his last). He was not at all receptive and willing to try things, its like he fought me tooth and nail...and his mom said that he wanted to learn more after taking a guitar class at the parks and rec. I don't want to waste my time with people that don't want to apply themselves. Of course I am sure that you experience thae very same things.