Friday, June 02, 2006

Practicum/school almost over/here comes summer term

Today I taught spelling and will continue the lesson on monday. The teacher I am working with, Martha, was complimentary immediately after I finished, saying I have a calming voice yet with some authority. It wasn't as wierd as I thought it would be, I have been teaching guitar long enough so its not like teaching is a foriegn concept to me. Funny thing is, I dropped the class that the practicum is for but I have come to enjoy working with the kids and an abrupt exit wouldn't be good. THere are only a couple weeks left so i decided to stick it out, see what more I can get from the experience.
Since I dropped that class I am now going to be going to school full time this summer. The first half of the term will be in American Fiction and The Psychology of Learning then the second half I will be in the History of Guitar. I am hoping it will be somewhat easy but at the same time I know it will be a little bit hectic with the classes only lasting 1 month. We will be meeting mon-fri for 2 to 3 hours for each class, a lot of info to absorb in such a short time, but at least with this they are cutting away all the fat and getting down to the gist of the class.
Come August 19 I will be graduating. I am still unsure as to whether or not I will pursue a masters in education, Oregon is not a hotbed of opportunity when it comes to teaching jobs, the state of education here is in shambles. I have thought about going into some form of law, and I would still love to go to a school of luthiery (guitar making) or musical instrument repair. I have really enjoyed working on people's guitars as well as my own over the years. My mom has been buggin me about movin to San Diego, I am not so sure I want to do that. I will be going down for a visit after graduation, I will see what I think of it and where God is leading me to be. I know living in an area that is consistently sunny would do a lot for my disposition. I hate rainy weather, I have lived in the Pacific NW all of my life, a little change might be good. We shall see what the future brings. I need to do some research on schools down in that area as well as some other places...I have thought about moving to Austin Texas...right now its just a thought.who knows...more to come


Fred said...

They're practically begging for teachers here in Florida, so if you don't mind those pesky hurricanes, c'mon down!

Mike Leslie said...

something to keep in mind. I know Oregon is not the place to be as far as education goes.