Saturday, February 25, 2006

It seems the crap just keeps comin

I went to speak with an advisor this past friday (10 minute walk in appt) to make sure i was on track to graduate this spring, make sure I I knew what classes I need to take and ask some other questions about some classes that had been suggested by my advisor who is actually out on maternity leave. Lo and behold, the class I dropped because of being sick turned out to not only be a pre req for grad school but in some twisted way also applied to my degree...meaning...I don't graduate this spring. I could've freakin killed someone, I was so pissed, it still annoys the hell out me. I have a half hour appointment with an advisor on the 10th of march...Par tof me hopes that the gal i was talking too was freakin clueless and stupid and somehow missed something...i had already planned on going next fall to take care of any other pre reqs or maybe even take some of the grad classes if I could as I got the application together after taking the summer off. I will know more then and will be able to map something out, some sort fo battle plan to get this mess done. I was ok with it after talking with some friends and family but now that I am dredging it up again here its pissin me off again. People have suggested taking whatever classes i need to take during the summer and then i would be done. that is more money than I have right now, and I am already having a hard time with school, I want to be done so bad. I am so fed up. So far it seems that the only way i would graduate next term would be to take 20 credits, 19 of them upper division...that would literally kill me and I wouldnt pass anyways. So apparently God has other plans...i wish I would have just kept the dang class instead of dropping it, and played the catch up game but no...I cannot fix what has already been done. ___________!!!!! insert expletive here

Sunday, February 12, 2006

these are the days of my annoyance.

My Biology teacher needs a serious boot to the ass, maybe even upside the head. To say he is disorganized is to understate the situation. The homework I had to do most recently; couldn't find most of the answers in the chapter we were going over, and then half the material in the chapter wasn't even covered. A week or so ago he posted Homework for the endocrine system...well there was only one question relating to that subject where the rest were ones we did a few weeks earlier for the cirulatory system...I am beginning to wonder how the hell this man got his phd to teach at a university. I posted my complaint about it on the class board online and there was one response to it and now my posting is gone...strange. My ending line was "someone needs to pull their head out." Maybe I pissed off the teacher, wouldn't be the first time I have done that over my educational career.
Then there is math class. UGH! I hate the metric system. Leave it to the English to hold onto such a f'ed up measuring system. We are having to do conversions in class and on the HW, it would be one thing if we only had to do the problem but we ahve to be able to explain how we got it, IE understanding it. The very little bit that I was liking math more because of this class is diminishing fast.
I had to drop my childrens lit class because of the bronchial infection. It is a pre-req for grad school. I will either have to tack it onto next term or take it post bac. I hate getting behind, then you are constantly trying to catch up, way to much stress.
Not so annoying....I have two new students starting this wednesday night. Mo money, mo money, mo money! Not a lot but any helps at this point.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Got the results back today from my blood test and urinalysis. I am all good healthwise, no sign of diabetes or anything. Adult onset diabetes does run in my family but the wierd nausea and dizzniness was part of the infection I had apparently. I am thinking of getting an std test for the hell of it, its been freakin ages since I have done anything of that sort but for the sake of peace of mind I may have a test done. I guess the little episode where my airway got blocked has me a bit more aware of my mortality. Of course i explained to the doctor the situation and his thoughts were that I would be at a very low risk since its been as long as it has but he did say it could be done just for peace of mind.
Lookin forward to seeing the Seahawks take out Pittsburgh on sunday. GO HAWKS!!!!