Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Holidays and Finals

Thanksgiving was a fun time. I spent it with some friends and their families, first at one families house and then we all went to another families house...people from my church. Once at teh second families house we watched War of the so movie, nothin to write home about. I missed being with family a little bit but I was with a sort of extended family. The bad thing about Thanksgiving was that I wasn't able to make any money on Thursday, I don't get paid for least I don't think I do.
Next week is finals. I have so far gotten my Human Development quiz grades up to A, B, and C level and the final is worth 80 points. I already took my Bio lab final, went well for the most part. My bio lecture final is Tuesday and my math and art Final are on Wednesday. The Human Development final is going to be done over the weekend as it is online. I have two chances to take it and I get to keep the better score. I think things should come off pretty well after all this quarter as long as I keep my nose to the grindstone this weekend.
Tonight I get to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra for the fourth year in a row. Each year the show gets bigger and bigger. I hope they play more new material this year. I am really looking forward to the release of Nightcastle (their upcoming release, God knows when they will finally release it). The stuff I ahve ehard so far is far and away better than the stuff they have done previously.


RT said...

War of the Worlds must have been a favorite, we watched it on Thankgiving too.

So how did the concert go????? Was it as fabulous as ever???? Did you give Tommy a kiss for me???? :o) I'm so bummed that I'll be missing them this year...

Mike Leslie said...

Yeah, I layed a big ol sloppy one on him....Nah. I didn't get to stay for the meet and greet this year, finals and so on. Got to see Sian and Bob as well as Steve Gann and his family again. I wish i could afford to go to Vegas, it would be so cool to meet more of the people from the yahoogroup.
The show was freakin cool, they threw in little things here and there to spice up things. It gets a bit old hearing the same show over and over. Al introduced Carmina Burana saying he and his wife went out to the hotel restaurant and had a few bottls of wine...then the next morning he saw the credit card bill and this is how he felt. then they counted off the song . it was HILARIOUS!!! The lights wer cool and there was even more pyro and lasers and at the end there was a platform that was raised with Angus and Anna Phoebe on it in the back of the arena. All in all a very cool show.

Fred said...

Hey Mike, glad Thanksgiving went well. I really like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra; it sounds like it went well from your comments.

Best of luck finishing out the school year. You deserve a break.

RT said...

Check it out Mike, you know how bummed I was that I couldn't go to a TSO concert this year? Well the concert I would have been going to was the Cinci show... And we had a snowstorm that night! Talk about fate! Even if I could have afforded the tickets, I would have never made it to Cinci...